Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Positioning and Communications Strategy for a New Weight Loss Drug free essay sample

Unnecessary weight has gotten one of the significant issues in todays world. This prompts a wide range of wellbeing riskssuch as coronary heart illnesses, hypertension, diabetes, rest apnea and some more. Moreover, an examination has demonstrated that demise rates from malignant growth were 52% higher in men and 62 % higher in ladies with extreme load than in individuals with typical weight (Eugenia E. Calle 2003). An enormous extent of overweight individuals have been attempting to lose their weight every way under the sun. In any case, few out of every odd endeavor was fruitful. Because of that, the pharmaceutical business has been creating and testing an enormous assortment of medications that are explicitly made to help individuals with weight issues. One of the most current medications available is Metabical, a doctor prescribed medication created by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals (CSP). In light of the outcomes from clinical preliminaries, Metabical has been demonstrated successful for weight reduction of overweight individuals. The inquiry is how willMetabicalbe acquainted with the market? PULL MARKETING The principle thought was to promote Metabical straightforwardly to purchasers so as to expand the familiarity with the item. This procedure depended on pull promoting where the intention was to draw in the clients and make them approach the provider or merchant first. It's anything but a confident method of advertising in contrast with push showcasing where a vender calls possible clients on the phone asking whether they might want to buy an item they may not really need. In 1997, the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has decreased limitations on direct-to-customer publicizing concerning drugs. In this way, the impact of the draw advertising was colossally positive for the pharmaceutical business. (Buckley 2003). It is likewise obvious in an examination made by Prevention magazine, where specialists whose patients came and requested a medication that they had recently observed being promoted, tended to endorse that equivalent brand of medication (despite the fact that they had various options as a primary concern). Following draw showcasing, the technique notwithstanding: promotions on the web, TV and radio. Additionally, print media was being dispersed simultaneously as the medication was being propelled. This distributionwas proceeded in a similar way throughoutthe first year of the battle so as to keep up the brand mindfulness on a significant level. After the underlying promotion procedure, extra 100 000 social insurance leaflets were circulated. These pamphletscontained an answer card which, whenever sent, would furnish the sender with an example of the item. The objective behind this crusade was to show the potential clients that Metabical is appropriate for individuals having a place with the BMI scope of 25-30. Weight file (BMI) is the most widely recognized file utilized for contrasting weight and stature. The estimations presents whether the weight is fitting for the person’s stature. On the off chance that the weight isn't appropriate,the individual can fall in the gathering of overweight or starved (Tim J Cole 2000). As referenced in the article, an abundanceof weight reduction pills were made for large or seriously fat individuals. Be that as it may, the gathering of individuals with the BMI going from 25-30 were not appropriate for these pillswhich, therefore, didn't have any impact on their weight reduction. Furthermore, CPS has built up a help program which won't just assistance in weight decrease yet additionally help keeping up the sound way of life. One of their key ideas in the crusade was: â€Å"Losing weight is intense. You don’t need to do only it. Let Metabical and your medicinal services supplier start you headed straight toward a solid weight and better life. † Regarding the help program, Printup has built up an online challenge to draw in more clients to purchase theproduct and take part in the challenge to win a prize. In this challenge every client can participate and contend with different clients in lessening BMIs by the most elevated rate. Not just Printup was making ads for customers, she likewise built up a technique to target clinical network where commercials were put on online clinical sites and furthermore printed out in notable clinical diaries. A few occasions were sorted out particularly for clinical specialists preceding the item dispatch, one of which was a roundtable conversation. So as to get the message out of the conversation, inclusion of this occasion was finished by driving news associations. Dynamic One of the leaders for this situation are overweight individuals with a BMI rangefrom 25 to 30. The difficult mindfulness happens when the overweight individual acknowledges how disappointed he/she is with her self-perception and how the exorbitant weight adversely influences wellbeing. When the issue is perceived, the quest for extra data starts. Generally the data is looked on the web (clinical gatherings or specific clinical sites), found in magazines (ads in magnificence and wellbeing magazines), TV or even proposed by loved ones who have attempted the item previously or know somebody who has. Furthermore, specialists and other wellbeing suppliers will be asked since their clinical information is more dependable than of non-clinical specialists. After the data was accumulated, the choices are being assessed. For this situation the options are Alli and Xenical. While assessing the options certain elements will be thought of: fixings, negative reactions, results from different clients and cost. Since those 2 medications have contrary reactions and have not been demonstrated successful for individuals with BMI 25-30, the main alternative is Metabical. Following the buy, buyer will require some an ideal opportunity to utilize the item and assess whether the item has met the desires and given wanted outcomes. Other choice makersare clinical experts, for example, general specialists. They know about expanding stoutness issue and other wellbeing dangers that the overweight patients have. In this way, they will scan for data about the most recent patterns and new medications available which will help taking care of these sorts of issues and secure information from clinical diaries, clinical workshops and shows or from pharmaceutical delegates. The information needs to contain dependable realities and give proof of genuine weight reduction and gainful wellbeing impact so the professional will have the option to certainly endorse the item. A while later, the professional will assess which medication would be the most reasonable for every patient. Since Metabical is endorsed by FDA and has more positive symptoms in contrast with Alli and Xenical, Metabical is the main alternative. MARKET SEGMENTATION The key accomplishment to mark building is advertise division. Printup should make an intensive exploration onthe potential objective clients and spotlight on two angles: socioeconomics and psychographics. Principally, demographical information concerning the quantity of overweight individuals inside the nation will be required. In light of those numbers, the extents of male and female objective buyers will be determined and characterized dependent on age, instructive level and pay. Diverse instructive levels and earnings influence the consumers’ discernment fundamentally. Furthermore, psychographic variables will be broke down. This incorporates ways of life, interests and suppositions towards specific issues (e. g. There is a sure path on how â€Å"ideal dress size† is seen in the style business. A huge extent of high school young ladies and youths will feel that they don't have a place with this class and will endeavor to get thinner so as to build their confidence). The Target Customer The ideal objective shopper of Metabical are overweight (I. e. BMI of 25 to 30) females matured 25-65. This has been advocated by a broad promoting review completed in 2007. They study results indicated that 75% of ladies, which is in the end 10% more than men, are disappointed with their present load just as appearance. Moreover, 20% a bigger number of ladies than men visited a social insurance supplier for a yearly physical test and 15% a bigger number of females than guys expressed they need to change their conduct so as to carry on with a solid way of life. Moreover as indicated by the consequences of the review, around twice the same number of ladies had been attempting to get more fit during the 5 years before the investigation and significantly more critically, almost double the quantities of females were disappointed with the weight reduction alternatives the market brings to the table. This arrangement of results plainly shows that ladies are the correct sexual orientation to target. This contention is upheld by an exploration demonstrating that specific perspectives, as for example being female, increment the likelihood of medication use in weight the executives (Hulbert-Williams, Mendieta-Tan, Nicholls 2013). Also, concerning the pay, ladies inside that age bunch are well on the way to have a fitting pay level to bear the cost of an expensive remedy weight reduction tranquilize which is somewhere close to $50,000 and $80,000+. Other than these ladies of this segment profile will have an advanced degree (in addition to) which is additionally reflected in their disposition towards the weight reduction process. As opposed to focusing on a fast and simple change, they are a lot of mindful that losing the necessary measure of weight will require a whole way of life change, consolidating a decent nourishment and normal exercise, a change which they are happy to make. These ladies see getting more fit likewise as a method of guaranteeing to feel much improved and have a more drawn out existence. They are roused and ready to change their present conduct. This portrayal of the ideal objective client matches Metabical’s showcasing message. The medication doesn't just need an effective interest, however significantly more a drawn out interest, which will most presumably be guaranteed by focusing on these sorts of clients. Obviously different socioeconomics will likewise purchase and test the item, which is significant particularly in the starting stage, where numerous sorts of clients are pulled in, so this may in any case require a few revisions of the pr

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ethics Responsibility for Volkswagen

Question: Talk about theEthics Professional Responsibility for Volkswagen. Answer: Presentation Business morals is one of the critical credit identified with tasks in the contemporary business world. Morals could be considered as the ethical judgment of right or wrong by an individual however as far as business moral judgment unmistakably stands to be a significant. Despite the fact that ethical judgment is a piece of morals in business yet it isn't all and morals is found from a more extensive perspective particularly in the tasks of a business. The choices taken inside an association must be moral as it were it ought to be reasonable for all the partners of the association. Note that morals assumes a gigantic job in the viable activities of the association particularly with regards to playing out the social duties productively (Ogunyemi, 2017). Throughout the entire existence of business there are number of cases when morals assumed the lower priority and the individual intrigue got the high ground and this is when embarrassments are made. It is significant for the business a ssociations to remember the part of morals which would assist the association with making sure it has compelling corporate relationship with all the partners. Over the most recent couple of years there have been number of exploitative occurrences however the one which has impeccably figured out how to shake the corporate world is the outflow embarrassment by Volkswagen. The Emission embarrassment of VW in the years 2015 has reformed the car business as governments and ecological organizations didn't extra a solitary opportunity to reprimand the organization that claims brands like Audi, Bentley, Bugatti Porsche and some other elite brands (Bowie, 2017). Henceforth the current report will be founded on the conversation of the 2015 discharge embarrassment by VW. Investigation of the VW Emission Scandal The Volkswagen Emission Scandal is an ideal case of how associations rather to state persuasive associations like Volkswagen can shape the moral and world of politics of business. For a significant stretch of time VW tried to turn into the main automaker on the planet and it has had the option to accomplish that. The association has now become the main car association as far as deals and income just as far as creation and consequently it obviously shows the authoritative ability just as the client devotion. Many have belittled this for VWs overambitious disposition towards business and have closed this episode as a definitive aftereffect of this (Medeiros et al., 2017). VW is a German Automobile firm which has possessed number of top brands on the planet and have similarly done well with all the brands it sells however some of the time the total disposal of morals from the authoritative activity makes independent snare that could destroy the general height of a business in a brief ti meframe. One might say that the majority of the associations working in the vehicle business have discovered motivation to continually look downward on the association and contend featuring the calamity in the global market. Despite the fact that the association has lost the edge after the emanation outrage it despite everything stands to be one of the key associations in the worldwide vehicle industry. It is imperative to comprehend the discharge embarrassment and the part of morals identified with it (Lindebaum, Geddes and Gabriel, 2017). The association Volkswagen had a drawn out vision of turning out to be world number one as far as deals and income by 2018 and so as to do that the association carried out the untrustworthy kind of things. The activity compelling occasion to this entire story began in 2015 when a gathering of researchers at West Virginia University were trying diesel motor vehicles out and about. The global Council of Clean Transportation a NGO attempted to subsidize the examination and it employed researchers to test vehicles and do outflow testing on specific vehicles (Sison, 2015). The association VW had been advancing their diesel vehicles for a considerable measure of time in 2015 and accentuated on the way that diesel vehicles are a lot of condition agreeable and proficient however specialist researchers saw a significantly extraordinary outcome when the group tried the diesel motors of VW, and this is the place the whole issue began. The group rehashed the investigation and to affirm their dis coveries and this plainly indicated the limited time expressions of the organization generally contrast with the genuine test outcomes and the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) suspected that the association VW has fitted a thrashing gadget which is altering the outcomes to an enormous degree while being on street and during the tests (Clemente and Gabbioneta, 2017). The ICCT took data from 15 distinct vehicles which gave similar outcomes and this obviously demonstrated the association may have done it intentionally to build deals and income. The data went to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which announced that the association VW has abused the Clean Air Act by illicitly fitting tragically gadget which is a sort of programming that assists with giving various outcomes by identifying the method of the vehicle in various circumstances. In numerous nations the association turned into the subject to examinations and arrangement of vehicles of VW were prohibited in various nations particularly in US, UK, Canada and in Asian nations like India, China and so on. These legislatures began running solid examinations against the association which uncovered increasingly about deplorable connivance. Indeed, even a portion of the papers named this occurrence as the costliest demonstration of ineptitude throughout the entire existence of car industry. Note that the association certainly pondered this deed before they executed which unmistakably shows the dishonest outlook and conduct of the association. Anyway the greatest disaster of the whole embarrassment is the tremendous measure of nitrogen oxide that was discharged in the environment (Wood, 2017). In the midst of such solid natural crusade to tell individuals Climate change is genuine this episode went about as a thistle which certainly hurt the globe to a huge degree the re are number of individuals who felt VW should be restricted from making more vehicles after this occurrence however comprehend that personal circumstance frequently shows signs of improvement of aggregate intrigue if its seen from the philosophical point of view. According to the report discharged by the EPA around 40% of the NOx outflow occur from the vehicles and disregarding knowing such truth the association accomplished something like this that plainly indicated morals in the contemporary business condition simply exist as a term and that's it. There have been number of discussions over this demonstration of one of the main automakers on the planet yet it can't be denied that VW acted amazingly unscrupulously which should be redressed however this despite everything stays an inquiries whether minor financial pay could get the job done the necessities of the earth or not (Ewing, 2017). VW so as to rescue their face as a brand declared to put aside 6.5 billion euro so as to bring back the flawed pieces and redo the vehicles to conform to the contamination norms however didn't unequivocally assume the liability or acknowledged the results of the episode. The association thought it as a scheme that drew near the association might be to spoil its pride which can be the reality however what one sees accepts and subsequently theres no point searching for signs when the whole episode is shown in a salver. The association confronted steep fall in its offer cost inside the day of arrival of the outrage and began confronting the fury of the market. In the US the association is as of now confronting colossal budgetary punishment per vehicle. The deals of the organization has fallen by a huge offer which shows the familiarity with the purchasers and their unfaltering outlook to dispense with whatever impacts the earth. It could be said from the current occurrence that the asso ciation unquestionably didnt comprehend the eventual outcome of the issue in the event that it some way or another gets uncovered and consequently acted in a totally amateurish way yet with profound ecological effect (Latif, 2017). VW Scandal and Ethics As expressed before morals should shape the base of the association and it ought to be working in the association as the simple approach which an organization ought to follow. For this situation of VW morals was not there or, in all likelihood the association wouldnt have fitted 11million vehicles with the destruction gadget. Note that the association ought to have thought wisely before executing something that conflicts with nature however it didn't do that and rather worked in a childish way. The organization ought to have pondered the aggregate great of the network yet appending the destruction gadget was principally never really individuals and foil their untruths with respect to the emanation in the diesel vehicles (Ruiz-Alba and Lpez-Toro, 2017). The association said upstanding falsehoods regarding low discharge and acted amateurishly which unmistakably had suggestions on its business. The association didn't go about according to the hypothesis of morals organizations like VW ought to have followed utilitarianism as the moral backbone yet the association acted in an egotistical way unmistakably not ready to concentrate on aggregate great. From the more extensive viewpoint an inappropriate revealing of CO2 is unquestionably not useful for the association since it lost the client dependability just as the deals and income of the association (Schwartz, 2017). The VW embarrassment is an incredible case of how organizations could respond against cases and stall out in the jettison. It is likewise an extraordinary case of terrible corporate morals as the association didn't totally acknowledge this deficiency and expressed that it is a specialized mistake which would be fixed immediately tragically this didn't occur and subsequently one might say that the VWs outrage is a shocking break of confidence and reliability of the shoppers which the association repaid through loss of clients, deals and a lot of budgetary claims from various pieces of the

Ndividual Written Analysis of the Case Enterprise-Rent-A-Car Study

Ndividual Written Analysis of the Enterprise-Rent-A-Car - Case Study Example Venture likewise began building up its relationship with top insurance agencies which helped in extending its business. In addition, in the year 1980, Jack ventured out from the top post and advanced his child Andy as the leader of Enterprise which prompted a regular development of income in the organization. In the year 2010, Enterprise turned into the seventh biggest privately owned business in the United States with yearly income in excess of 12 million US Dollars. The fundamental purpose behind achievement of Enterprise was that the organization worried on giving the best client assistance and which made the brand an incentive for the organization. Besides, the organization prepared its supervisors so that decided and diminished the demotivating perspectives for example nonattendance of criticism, misconstruing the hugeness of a given errand and absence of worry for wasteful execution. Also, the organization separated its market into two portions that included the neighborhood ad vertise and the air terminal market which represented income of 20 million US Dollars and added to the accomplishment of the Enterprise (Busse and Swinkels 1-15). Proposal Statement. The examination means recognize the key resources, upper hands alongside exercises of Enterprise. Moreover, the key difficulties just as circumstances connected to the firm’s plan of action and practices will likewise be determined and ensuing proposals will be given. Undertaking had used in excess of 10 million US Dollars to look into on the fulfillment of the clients and their important experience. It has been uncovered that Enterprise concentrated on the three primary viewpoints which incorporated the methodology and viability of the workers, the exchange speed and the cleanliness factor of the vehicle. Consequently, if these three angles were accomplished effectively than the customers’ would be fulfilled. It was seen that over 70% clients were basically fulfilled and built up the goal of utilizing the administrations of Enterprise once more. Venture likewise utilized Enterprise Service

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cancer effectiveness of drugs in its treatment Essay

Malignant growth viability of medications in its treatment - Essay Example On the off chance that an affiliation has been drawn among tumor and disease; at that point an amiable tumor has no connection with malignant growth however a harmful tumor at some point or another prompts malignancy. Logical research has uncovered that hereditary inclination, estrogen introduction for ladies, ionizing and bright radiation, presentation to cancer-causing synthetics and nourishments, smoking tobacco, taking liquor, undesirable eating routine and nearness of free radicals are a portion of the causes that are accepted to spread this destructive illness among us. Since counteraction is constantly considered as a superior choice to fix, thus a progression of occasions that may bring about lower danger of getting presented to malignant growth ought to likewise be assessed. Paying heed to past instances of malignant growth in a family doesn't legitimately convert into the equivalent for the replacements, however they can depend on standard examination to stay away from any late recognition of disease. It has been discovered that likelihood of malignant growth among a lady having infant before 35 is less. Decrease of introduction to sun or different beams, for example, X †beams and utilizing defensive materials while confronting them is a useful intend to diminish the odds of this infection. Total no to tobacco and liquor will surely bring about less number of malignancy cases. Taking nutrient C and green vegetables likewise help to decrease the danger of malignant growth. Among the various sorts of malignant growth medications six of them have picked up notoriety and accomplishment throughout the years. The accompanying section gives a short conversation of these options before moving into a point by point investigation of medication use in fighting disease. Since chemotherapy additionally utilizes medications to battle malignant growth, consequently for this part it is left past the domain of the conversation. Radiation is utilized strikingly against malignancy. Ionized radiation demolishes disease cells and keeps them from further developing. At the point when medical procedure is received s a potential fix to malignancy, the carcinogenic cells or parts are precisely expelled from the body. As of late laser is frequently used to play out these medical procedures supplanting the traditional technique that had been followed previously. As it has been discovered that specific hormones are liable for the development of carcinogenic cells in body, consequently specialists frequently turns to hormone treatment to bring back the parity inside the body that will in the end stop the development of harmful destructive cells. As of late a progressively extreme approach to battle malignancy is in conversation and followed at certain spots too. Thi s is known as Biological or Immunotherapy where the characteristic resistant arrangement of the body is fortified so it can forestall the harmful contamination or retaliate this destructive illness. A few specialists have even moved above and beyond to consider clinical controls like homeopathy and needle therapy as a potential answer for this life taking malady (â€Å"What is Cancer?†). After the short conversation of different intends to battle malignant growth let us concentrate of the conceivable outcomes of medications to forestall disease. The most broadly known utilization of medications against malignancy is chemotherapy. In chemotherapy explicit medications are utilized that decimates disease cells by stopping their massive development rate. It is given to the patient either through intravenous infusions or through oral prescriptions. It follows a cyclic example and frequently the patient is given rest for at some point after the organization of a particular course o f medication. Employments of against malignant growth drugs have their own impediments. Most importantly since it

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Suite Life

The Suite Life I live at Burton Conner (W51), at 410 Memorial Drive, along the Cambridge edge (Cambredge?) of the Charles River. To the east of my dorm are some fraternities, and then Baker, former home of Matt 00. To our west are an independent living group and MacGregor, home of Mollie 06. You can also see the Pierce Boathouse over the water. Our regal Memorial-Drive-side entrance sunny view of the river I dont have a bike, but many dorm residents do In-house library Heres the Porter Room, a common space large enough to hold all 300+ dorm residents I have used it for Apple Bake judging/eating floor dinners and dance rehearsals for Bhangra. TV lounge on the first floor More common space, this time with a computer (the wave of the future!) Laundry room In the suites upstairs, which house 4-9 people, we use the suite lounges for eating dinner, doing homework, and hanging out with our suitemates This kitchen is the smallest one on our floor, but it is also the cleanest (correlation > causality?) so I photographed it Outside, we have barbeque pits for cooking dinner or dessert (roasting marshmallows last September) Floor murals :P

Friday, June 26, 2020

How The European Central Bank S Structure Is Managed Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

The European Central Bank (ECB) is the main central bank for the 15 countries that are part of the European System of Central Bank (ESCB) or the Eurosystem. The ESCB or Eurosystem consist of the ECB and all the central banks of the member states (national central banks). It has the following basic responsibilities, to define and implement the monetary policy of the community, to conduct foreign exchange operations in accordance with Article III of the Treaty, to hold and manage the official foreign reserve of the member states, and to promote the smooth operations of the payment systems (Issing, 2008, p. 54). The ECB was established on June 1, 1998 in Frankfurt am Main. Its main responsibilities, according to the, are to manage the European Unions (EU) single currency, the euro, to safeguard price stability for the EUs citizens and for framing and implementing the EUs economic and monetary policy (European Union, 2010). Omar Issing further states in his book entitle The Birth of the Euro, that the ECB has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes within the euro areaÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦it is empowered to collect the statistical data necessary for the conduct of monetary policy (Issing, 2008, p. 54). This monopoly enjoyed by the ECB is nothing short of the main focus of central banks in regulating the monetary system (money supply) of their country. But how does the ECB governs itself? How are decisions made by the ECB in achieving its objectives and responsibilities? And how does the ECB regulate the Eurosytem or ESCB? Governance of the ECB is done through the main decision making bodies that comprised its operation the Governing Council, the Executive Board and the General Council. Firstly, the Governing Council is the ECBs highest decision-making body and it comprised six (6) members of the Executive Board and the 15 central banks governors of the Eurosystem, a total of 21 members (Issing, 2008, p. 67). These members meet twice a month via telephone conferencing and usually in the month of August. The central task of the Governing is to adopt guidelines necessary for the operations of the Eurosystem and to formulate monetary policy for its community. Therefore, a country, once they entered the Eurosystem their responsibility for monetary policy passes from their national central bank to the ECB. Thus the single important function of the Governing Council is to ensure that the central objective of the ECB, price stability is achieved and this is accomplished as a result of using a single index (th e euro) for the entire European community (Issing, 2008, p. 68). Secondly, the Executive Board of the ECB comprises six (6) persons: the President, the Vice-President and four other members. It is considered to be the operational decision-making body of the ECB. Also its primary responsibility is to implement the monetary policy as defined by the Governing Council. And like the Governing Council, the Executive Board is a collegial body. A collegial body is an entity whose power and authority is vested in its members. Thus each member of the Executive Board has one vote, which the President has the deciding vote if there is a tie (Issing, 2008, p. 70). Otmar Issisng the author of the Birth of the Euro was a former member of the Executive Board from 1998 to May 2006 in the capacity of Directorates General, Economics and Research. Finally, the third decision-making arm of the ECB is the General Council. It comprises the President and Vice-President of the ECB and all the governors of the central banks of the member state. Other members of the Executive Board may sit with the General Council and participate in its operation but they cannot vote. The General Council assumes the role of the former European Monetary Institute (EMI) formed in Jan 1994 which had no monetary policy powers. Today nothing has changed concerning its mandate which now include providing monetary advice to European Union (EU) countries that have not yet joined and overseeing the functioning of the exchange rate mechanism (Issing, 2008, p. 75). How do these three bodies work together in making decision to satisfy its primary objective of price stability? What exactly is the ESCB? And what role they play in the ECBs monetary policy? Otmar Issing states further that the functionality of the ECBs monetary policy rest on three pillars: prohibition of monetary financing, central bank independence and primacy of price stability (Issing, 2008, p. 54). These three pillars summarize how the ECB regulate the Eurosystem which essentially is its single monetary policy. The prohibition of monetary refers to the historical account where member states national central banks were pressured into buying up unlimited amount of government paper or granting direct credit to the public sector. These actions by the central banks increased the money supply or the amount of money in circulation which caused inflationary pressure in the community. Now ECB and the national central banks are prohibited from engaging into such actions (Article 101 of the Treaty) and a ban has also being placed on their ability to provide provision of credit to the public sector coupled with the direct purchase of public debt instruments (Issing, 2008, p. 5 5). Another pillar of the monetary policy of the ECB and the national central banks concerns their independence found in Article 108 of the Treaty which is quoted: When exercising the powers and carrying out the tasks and duties conferred upon them by this Treaty and the Statue of the ESCB, neither the ECB, nor a national central bank, nor any member of their decision-making bodies shall seek or take instructions from Community institutions or bodies, from any government of a Member State or from any other body. The community institutions and bodies and the governments of the Member states undertake to respect this principle and not to seek to influence the members of the decision-making bodies of the ECB or of the national central banks in the performance of their tasks (Issing, 2008, p. 56) This quotation sums up the importance of the ECBs independence from the respective government bodies or legislative powers from the different member countries. Therefore, persons working within the ECB would be subject to this independence as well. Such independence attributed to staff of the ECB is to ensure that contracts cannot be terminated prematurely, for example, members of the Executive Board have a term of office of eight years with no renewal. The ECBs independence is fundamental to the implementation and formulation of monetary policy (Issing, 2008, p.56). The final pillar that contributes to the regulation of the Eurosystem is referred to as the primacy of price stability or in other words, the ECB primary responsibility is to maintain price a stable price throughout the Eurosystem. Why is this objective of price stability so important to monetary policy? If price stability is not maintained it will cause inflation and the contrary to this is deflation. Price stability here is defined as a year-on-year increase in the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) for the euro area of below two per centÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦aim to maintain inflation rates close to two per cent over the medium term (Issing, 2008, p. 115). Issing gives three important reasons for the importance of price stability as adopted by the ECB, namely, that central planning is based on the correct signals coming from prices in deciding on production and consumption, investing and saving issues. These correct signals from prices refer to changes in relative prices. Changes in relative prices consequently signal changes in relative scarcity which acts as a guide for participant in market activities pointing them in the right direction. Simultaneous shifts in prices cause difficulty in differentiating between shifts in relative prices and overall price increases. Such anomaly means that the economy is operating below performance or below potential which affects investment and household spending (Issing, 2008, p. 62). As mentioned in the above, inflation or deflation causes changes in price and such changes can distort the distribution of income and wealth. This re-distribution of income and wealth is also affected by the tax system, specifically through transfer payments based on nominal values and adjusted values. Research done by Edmund Phelps, the 2006 Nobel laureate has shown that such effects can be substantial even at harmless levels of inflation (Issing, 2008, p. 62). The final point based on the importance for price stability rest on the assumption surrounding the uncertainty of predicting the stability of future prices. Marketing intermediaries will hedge against this uncertainty as a precautionary measure which will lead to corresponding increases in nominal prices and not long-term interest rates. As a consequent of this action by marketing intermediaries financing for investment becomes more expensive and so does government borrowing (Issing, 2008, p. 63). Conclusion The ECB single most responsibility justifiably has been since its inception is to maintain price stability across the Eurosystem. It has been a challenge or a mammoth task by the ECB given the intricacies involved in the implementation and formulation of mechanism to complement and support this objective. The three pillar approach conceptualized by Otmar Issing has proven to be the one of the success factors capitalized by the ECB used to regulate the Eurosystem. There are many other areas worth mentioning that would underscore the importance of utilizing such an approach, but would extend beyond the bounds of this paper, for example, other monetary policy options considered (Taylor Rule, discretionary policy, inflationary targeting and others) and what are some of the instruments of monetary policy. References European Union. (2010, December). Europa. Retrieved from Issing, O. (2008). The Birth of the Euro. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Case Study “Ebay in China” - 1652 Words

Question 1 eBay first entered the Chinese market in 2002 by acquiring a 33% stake in its local counterpart, EachNet, followed by a full acquisition a year later in 2003. Critically assess eBay.s choice of market entry strategy for China, listing both the advantages and disadvantages of its acquisition strategy. As we know, eBay’s China expansion strategy can be considered as failure, despite the fact that eBay entered this potentially rewarding market with caution. This cautious strategy was very unusual for eBay, because they used full-forced, head-on, .be-first-or-nothing. strategy in other markets, for various reasons, it would be impossible to implement this strategy when penetrating Chinese market. So acquiring an already†¦show more content†¦TOM Online has a good experience in cooperation with Skype and has given great results in it. This shows that TOM Online knows how to present new product in the market and how to increase its market share, which is essential for eBay at the moment. All the aspects of TOM Online show that this company has a great and efficient knowledge of Chinese market and exactly this feature is very necessary for eBay to gain good results. In addition, political connections of the TOM Online can be very helpful in Chinese market, especially in nowadays and situation in China. Risks of this joint venture are not as great as benefits, but there is a risk to loose a chance to strengthen the eBay brand, because Chinese customers will be focused on the TOM Online and EachNet. There also is a risk of loosing big amounts of money, because TOM Online has a 2% bigger ownership, but in amount of money, eBay invests two times more money, however the success of the TOM EachNet depends more on TOM Online. There also can be assessed as a risk point, that TOM Online is focused on mobile value-added services and their target audience is generally young consumers, but eBay target audience is a little older. Question 3 eBay will have a 49% stake in the new joint venture while Tom Online will have 51% ownership. Critically assess both companies’ decisions on their respective percentage of stake In our opinion E-Bay’s decision to jointShow MoreRelatedEbay in China - Case Study4122 Words   |  17 Pages21/11/2011 E-Bay Strategy In China Alliance or Acquisition? Case Study Strategic Management Gabriela Ã…  alamonovà ¡ Barbora Jandovà ¡ Pierrick Boissel Julien Meunier Alexandre Godet SUMMARY I. The Input Stage ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · CAGE VRIO Analysis CPM matrix EFE matrix IFE matrix II. The Matching Stage ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · BCG matrix SPACE matrix GSM matrix III. The Decision Stage ï‚ · ï‚ · Matrix Analysis QSPM matrix IV. 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Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay about achieving success and virtual teams - 1109 Words

Case Analysis - 3 Achieving Success in Virtual Teams Overview: In todays competitive world, companies are gradually vacating their cubicles and enter into the virtual workforce to increase work efficiency, reduce cost and resolve organizational problems (Ahmed Ebrahim, 2009). Nowadays, companies are investing a bulk amount of money on virtual teams to enhance their performance since it has become an indispensable prerequisite for companies to stay in competitive in the era of globalization (Ahmed Ebrahim, 2009). Virtual teams consist of members from different cultural backgrounds who work in various organizations with different set of standards and members of the virtual teams have the least probability to meet in person†¦show more content†¦348). Virtual team members have to be more self- motivated and disciplined in their assigned work and they must be proficient in using variety of tech tools in order to accomplish their task (Settle-Murphy, 2009). Likewise, Virtual team members have to have the ability to manage their t ime effectively and those who can understand that how much time they need to get their task done are usually far more productive which in turns contribute to the success of virtual team. Moreover, communication effectiveness and stimulating work are the two vital features of actuating the success or failure of virtual teams; for instance, team members should know what to communicate, how and when and the whole communication process should be concise and lucid to avoid any misinterpretation (Nelson Quick, 2013, p. 348). In contrast, the failure of virtual teams relies on several things wherein people play a major part in the context of virtual arena; for example, a consulting service company; NetAge reveals the fact that the percentage of having failure of virtual teams is around 90% of people (Nelson Quick, 2013, p. 348). 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Medieval Methods for Making Fabric From Wool

In the Middle Ages, wool was turned into cloth in the thriving wool production trade, in home-based cottage industry, and in private households for family use. Methods could vary depending on the wherewithal of the producer, but the basic processes of spinning, weaving, and finishing cloth were essentially the same. Wool is usually sheared from sheep all at once, resulting in a large fleece. Occasionally, the skin of a slaughtered sheep was utilized for its wool; but the product obtained, which was called pulled wool, was an inferior grade to that shorn from live sheep. If the wool was intended for trade (as opposed to local use), it was bound up with similar fleeces and sold or traded off until it reached its final destination in a cloth-manufacturing town. It was there that processing began. Sorting The first thing done to a fleece was to separate its wool into its various grades by coarseness because different types of wool were destined for different end products and required specialized methods of processing. Also, some types of wool had specific uses in the manufacturing process itself. The wool in the outer layer of fleece was ordinarily longer, thicker and coarser than the wool from the inner layers. These fibers would be spun into worsted yarn. The inner layers had softer wool of varying lengths that would be spun into woolen yarn. Shorter fibers would be further sorted by grade into heavier and finer wools; the heavier ones would be used to make thicker yarn for the warp threads in the loom, and the lighter ones would be used for the wefts. Cleansing Next, the wool was washed; soap and water would usually do for worsteds. For the fibers that would be used to make woolens, the cleansing process was particularly stringent and could include hot alkaline water, lye, and even stale urine. The aim was to remove the wool grease (from which lanolin is extracted) and other oils and greases as well as dirt and foreign matter. The use of urine was frowned upon and even outlawed at various points in the Middle Ages, but it was still common in home industries throughout the era. Following cleansing, the wools were rinsed several times. Beating After rinsing, the wools were set out in the sun on wooden slats to dry and were beaten, or broken, with sticks. Willow branches were often used, and thus the process was called willeying in England, brisage de laines in France and wullebreken in Flanders. Beating the wool helped remove any remaining foreign matter, and it separated entangled or matted fibers. Preliminary Dyeing Sometimes, dye would be applied to fiber before it was used in manufacturing. If so, this is the point at which the dyeing would occur. It was fairly common to soak fibers in a preliminary dye with the expectation that the color would combine with a different shade in a later dye bath. Fabric that was dyed at this stage was known as dyed-in-the-wool. Dyes usually required a mordant to keep the color from fading, and mordants often left a crystalline residue that made working with fibers extremely difficult. Therefore, the most common dye used in this early stage was woad, which did not require a mordant. Woad was a blue dye made from an herb indigenous to Europe, and it took about three days to use it to dye fiber and make the color fast. In later medieval Europe, such a large percentage of wool cloths were dyed with woad that cloth workers were often known as blue nails.1 Greasing Before the wools could be subjected to the harsh processing treatment that lay ahead, they would be greased with butter or olive oil to protect them. Those who produced their own cloth at home were likely to skip the more rigorous cleansing, allowing some of the natural lanolin to remain as a lubricant instead of adding grease. Although this step was done primarily to the fibers intended for woolen yarn, there is evidence that the longer, thicker fibers used to make worsteds were also lightly greased. Combing The next step in preparing wool for spinning varied depending on the type of wool, the instruments available and, oddly enough, whether certain tools had been outlawed. For worsted yarn, simple wool combs were used to separate and straighten the fibers. The teeth of the combs might be wooden or, as the Middle Ages progressed, iron. A pair of combs was used, and the wool would be transferred from one comb to the other and back again until it had been straightened and aligned. Combs were usually constructed with several rows of teeth and had a handle, which made them look a little like a modern-day dog brush. Combs were also used for woolen fibers, but in the central Middle Ages cards were introduced. These were flat boards with many rows of short, sharp metal hooks. By placing a handful of wool on one card and combing it until it had been transferred to the other, and then repeating the process several times, a light, airy fiber would result. Carding separated wools more effectively than combing, and it did so without losing the shorter fibers. It was also a good way to blend together different types of wool. For reasons that remain unclear, cards were outlawed in portions of Europe for several centuries. John H. Munroe posits that the reasoning behind the ban could be a fear that the sharp metal hooks would damage the wool, or that carding made it too easy to fraudulently blend inferior wools into superior ones. Instead of carding or combing, some woolens were subjected to a process known as bowing. The bow was an arched wooden frame, the two ends of which were attached with a taut cord. The bow would be suspended from the ceiling, the cord would be placed in a pile of wool fibers, and the wooden frame would be struck with a mallet in order to get the cord to vibrate. The vibrating cord would separate the fibers. Just how effective or common bowing was is debatable, but at least it was legal. Spinning Once the fibers were combed (or carded or bowed), they were wound on a distaff -- a short, forked stick —in preparation for spinning. Spinning was chiefly the province of women. The spinster would draw a few fibers from the distaff, twisting them between thumb and forefinger as she did so, and attach them to a drop-spindle. The weight of the spindle would pull the fibers down, stretching them out as it spun. The spinning action of the spindle, with the help of the spinsters fingers, twisted the fibers together into yarn. The spinster would add more wool from the distaff until the spindle reached the floor; shed then wind the yarn around the spindle and repeat the process. Spinsters stood as they  spun  so that the drop-spindle could spin out as long a yarn as possible before it had to be wound up. Spinning wheels were probably invented in India sometime after 500 CE.; their earliest recorded use in Europe is in the 13th century. Initially, they werent the convenient sit-down models of later centuries, powered by a foot pedal; rather, they were  hand-powered  and large enough so that the spinster would need to stand to use it. It may not have been any easier on the spinsters feet, but much more yarn could be produced on a spinning wheel than with a drop-spindle. However, spinning with a drop-spindle was common throughout the Middle Ages until the 15th century. Once the yarn was spun, it might be dyed. Whether it was dyed in the wool or in the yarn, color had to be added  by  this stage if a multi-colored cloth was to be produced. Knitting While knitting wasnt wholly unknown in the Middle Ages, scant evidence of hand-knitted garments survives. The relative ease of the craft of knitting and the ready availability of materials and tools for making knitting needles makes it hard to believe that peasants didnt knit themselves warm clothing from wool they got from their own sheep. The lack of surviving garments isnt at all surprising, considering the fragility of all cloth and the amount of time that has passed since the medieval era. Peasants could have worn their knitted garments to pieces, or they may have reclaimed the yarn for alternate uses when the garment grew too old or threadbare to wear any longer. Far more common than knitting in the Middle Ages was weaving. Weaving Weaving cloth was practiced in households as well as in professional cloth-making establishments. In homes where people produced cloth for their own use, spinning was often the province of women, but weaving was usually done by men. Professional weavers in manufacturing locations like Flanders and Florence were also usually men, though women weavers were not unknown. The essence of weaving is, simply, to draw one yarn or thread (the weft) through a set of perpendicular yarns (the warp), threading the weft alternately behind and in front of each individual warp thread. Warp threads were usually stronger and heavier than weft  threads  and came from different grades of fiber. The variety of weights in warps and wefts could result in specific textures. The number of weft fibers drawn through the loom in one pass could vary, as could the number of warps the weft would travel in front of before passing behind; this deliberate variety was used to achieve different textured patterns. Sometimes, warp threads were dyed (usually blue) and weft threads remained undyed, producing colored patterns. Looms  were constructed to make this process go more smoothly. The earliest looms were vertical; the warp threads stretched from the top of the loom to the floor and, later, to a bottom frame or roller. Weavers stood when they worked on vertical looms. The  horizontal loom  made its first appearance in Europe in the 11th century, and by the 12th century, mechanized versions were being used. The advent of the mechanized horizontal loom is generally considered the most important technological development in medieval textile production. A weaver would sit at a mechanized loom, and instead of threading the weft in front of and behind alternate warps by hand, hed merely have to press a foot pedal to raise up one set of alternate warps and draw the weft underneath it in one straight pass. Then hed press the other pedal, which would raise the other set of warps, and draw the weft underneath  that  in the other direction. To make this process easier, a shuttle was used -- a boat-shaped tool that contained yarn wound around a bobbin. The shuttle would glide easily over the bottom set of warps as the yarn unspooled. Fulling  or Felting Once the fabric had been woven and taken off the loom it would be subjected to a  fulling  process. (Fulling wasnt usually necessary if the fabric was made from worsted as opposed to woolen yarn.) Fulling thickened the fabric and made the natural hair fibers mat together through agitation and the application of  liquid. It was more effective if heat was part of the equation, as well. Initially,  fulling  was done by immersing the cloth in a vat of warm water and stomping on it or beating it with hammers. Sometimes additional chemicals were added, including soap or urine to help remove the natural lanolin of the wool or the grease that had been added to protect it in the earlier stages of processing. In Flanders, fullers earth was used in the process to absorb impurities; this was a type of soil containing a significant amount of clay, and it was naturally available in the region. Though originally done by hand (or foot), the  fulling  process gradually became automated through the use of fulling mills. These were often quite large and powered by water, although smaller, hand-cranked machines were also known. Foot-fulling was still done in household manufacturing, or when the cloth was particularly fine and wasnt to be subjected to the harsh treatment of hammers. In towns where cloth manufacture was a thriving household industry, weavers could take their cloth to a communal fulling mill. The term fulling is sometimes used interchangeably with felting. Although the process is essentially the same,  fulling  is done to cloth that has already been woven, whereas felting actually produces cloth from unwoven, separate fibers. Once cloth was fulled or felted, it could not easily unravel. After  fulling, the fabric would be thoroughly rinsed. Even worsteds that didnt need  fulling  would be washed to remove any oil or dirt that had accumulated during the weaving process. Because dyeing was a process that immersed the fabric in liquid, it may have been dyed at this point, especially in home industries. However, it was more common to wait until a later stage in production.  Cloth  that was dyed after it was woven was known as dyed-in-the-piece. Drying After it was rinsed, cloth was hung up to dry. Drying was done on specially-designed frames known as tenter frames, which used tenterhooks to hold the cloth. (This is where we get the phrase on tenterhooks to describe a state of suspense.) The sturdy frames stretched the fabric so that it wouldnt shrink too much; this process was carefully gauged, because fabric that was stretched too far, while large in square feet, would be thinner and weaker than fabric that was stretched to the proper dimensions. Drying was done in the open air; and in cloth-producing towns, this meant the fabric was always subject to inspection. Local regulations often dictated the specifics of drying cloth in order to ensure quality, thus maintaining the reputation of the town as a source of fine cloth, as well as that of the cloth manufacturers themselves. Shearing Fulled fabrics—especially those made from curly-haired woolen yarn -- were often very fuzzy and covered with nap. Once the fabric had been dried, it would be shaved or  sheared  to remove this extra material. Shearers would use a device that had remained pretty much unchanged since Roman times: shears, which consisted of two razor-sharp blades attached to a U-shaped bow spring. The spring, which was made of steel, also served as the handle of the device. A shearer would attach the cloth to a padded table that sloped downward and had hooks to keep the fabric in place. He would then press the bottom blade of his shears into the cloth at the top of the table and gently slide it down, clipping the fuzz and nap by bringing down the top blade as he went. Shearing a piece of fabric completely could take several passes, and would often alternate with the next step in the process, napping. Napping or Teaseling After (and before, and after) shearing, the next step was to raise the nap of the fabric enough to give it a soft, smooth finish. This was done by grooming the cloth with the head of a plant known as a teasel. A teasel was a member of the  Dipsacus  genus and had a dense, prickly flower, and it would be rubbed gently over the fabric. Of course, this could raise the nap so much that the cloth would be too fuzzy and had to be sheared again. The amount of shearing and teaseling necessary would depend on the quality and type of wool used and the result desired. Though metal and wood tools were tested for this step, they were considered potentially too damaging for fine cloth, so the teasel plant was used for this process throughout the Middle Ages. Dyeing Cloth might be dyed in the wool or in the yarn, but even so, it would usually be dyed in the piece as well, either to deepen the color or to combine with the previous dye for a different tint. Dyeing in the piece was a procedure that could realistically take place at almost any point in the manufacturing process, but most commonly it was done after the fabric had been sheared. Pressing When the teaseling and shearing (and, possibly, dyeing) was done, the fabric would be pressed to complete the smoothing process. This was done in a flat, wooden vise. Woven wool that had been fulled, dried, shorn, teaseled, dyed, and pressed could be luxuriously soft to the touch and made into the finest clothing and draperies. Unfinished Cloth Professional cloth manufacturers in wool production towns could, and did, produce cloth from the wool-sorting stage to the final pressing. However, it was quite common to sell fabric that wasnt completely finished. Producing undyed fabric was very common, allowing tailors and drapers to choose just the right hue. And it was not at all uncommon to leave out the shearing and teaseling steps, reducing the price of the fabric for consumers willing and able to perform this task themselves. Cloth Quality and Variety Every step along the manufacturing process was an opportunity for cloth-makers to excel -- or not. Spinners and weavers who had low-quality wool to work with could still turn out fairly decent cloth, but it was common for such wool to be worked with the least possible effort in order to turn out a product quickly. Such cloth would, of course, be cheaper; and it might be used for items other than garments. When manufacturers paid for better raw materials and took the extra time required for higher quality, they could charge more for their products. Their reputation for quality would attract the wealthier merchants, artisans, guildsmen and the nobility. Although sumptuary laws were enacted, usually in times of economic instability, to keep the lower classes from garbing themselves in finery ordinarily reserved for the upper classes, it was more often the extreme expense of the clothing worn by the nobility that kept other people from buying it. Thanks to the diverse kinds of cloth manufacturers and the many types of wool of different levels of quality they had to work with, a wide variety of wool cloth was produced in medieval times.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management and Organizational Culture in Samsung - 1541 Words

Course: NZDB 530 Organisation and Management Trimester 2 2010 Assessment 2: Essay on Organizational Culture SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Submitted by: Chung Daewan(Steve) ID# 20904451 Submitted on: 5th July 2010 Submitted to: Jene Parilla TABLE OF CONTENTS â…  . Essay on Organizational Culture †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..................................................3 â… ¡. Metaphor†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......................................................................................6 â… ¢. Appendices†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....................................................................................7 â… £. References..................................................................................................9 1. Essay on organizational culture Introduction: Every†¦show more content†¦In addition, from its own vision, we find the word of excellence. We can find another type of the organizational culture at this stage. It is almost impossible for an organization to have the same philosophy and vision as other competitor in the same industry has. Each of organization has its own vision and philosophy but we cannot see that on the surface unless the organization puts it on the website or wherever else they can. These components are what we call Invisible Aspects of the organizational culture, which can include Assumptions, Perceptions, Attitudes, and Expectations. Another example of invisible aspects of the organizational culture in SAMSUNG is its Managerial Focusing. â€Å"Creativity, collaboration, and excellence are the hallmarks of leadership at SAMSUNG. By attracting the world`s most talented managers and continuously evolving our company`s culture to support them, we foster innovative ideas that advance technology, create n ew products and markets, and improve everyday lives of our customer.† said Gee-sung Choi, President and CEO of SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. From his belief of the management, we can find out what they expect for the management. The word `innovative ideas` reflects that it expects mangers to have an innovative and creative idea that advances technology and encourages them to feel free to speak out whenever they have a new idea. Also, it shows the way they communicate in theShow MoreRelatedManagement and Organizational Culture in Samsung1548 Words   |  7 PagesCourse: NZDB 530 Organisation and Management Trimester 2 2010 Assessment 2: Essay on Organizational Culture SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Submitted by: Chung Daewan(Steve) ID# 20904451 Submitted on: 5th July 2010 Submitted to: Jene Parilla TABLE OF CONTENTS â…  . Essay on Organizational Culture †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..................................................3 â… ¡. Metaphor†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......................................................................................6 â… ¢. 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Samsung is very focused on how increasingly build up the organizationalRead MoreOrganizational Change : Organization Change1447 Words   |  6 Pagesstructural changes, market challenges, and culture shock. When an organization s development through different life cycles, just like people have to through the successful development of the life cycle. It is to important factor to including factors that are linked to external environmental changes and will improve the internal environment, managerial effectiveness.‘The most common known targets of organizational change include vision, strategy, culture, structure, system, production technology,Read MoreThe Model Of Nokia And Samsung1406 Words   |  6 PagesDiagnosing the change: The diagnostic model, I am going to use for analyzing the companies, Nokia and Samsung would be Burke-Litwin model. I choose this model because it allows people to analyze the impact made by the external and internal factors on the changes made by the organization. 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Marijuana Should Be Banned Free Essays

Marijuana is a type of harmful drug that is made from the plant called cannabis, and it’s the illegal in most areas around the world. It’s usually smoked as a cigarette or in a pipe. Many people believe that marijuana should be banned because it has bad effects on brain and body. We will write a custom essay sample on Marijuana Should Be Banned or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, others think that everybody deserves the freedom to use marijuana. Whether or not marijuana should be banned is one of the most controversial topics. First of all, many people argue that marijuana can be use as a type of medicine to treat cancer or AIDS.However, marijuana can be very addictive. When the users are addicted to marijuana, it is very hard to quit. It begins to control their lives. In order to overcome the addiction, they have to practice abstinence, which is extremely difficult because it causes sleeplessness, anxiety, or depression. Therefore, it’s better not to use marijuana than practicing abstinent. Also, it increases heart rate and bad for our lungs. Secondly, people support marijuana because it is a very popular agricultural product.The countries that sell marijuana will have more money. However, many Americans believe that the use of drugs is morally wrong. If marijuana is known as a type of drug, the use of marijuana is immoral. In some religions such as Buddhism, taking drugs is against the religious codes as well. Next, it is individuals’ choices and rights to decide whether or not they should use marijuana. The government has no right to prohibit the use of marijuana as long as it doesn’t harm other people except those that use marijuana.People who want marijuana to be banned strongly believe that crime and violence in America increase due to the illegal buying and selling of this substance. If the government prohibits it, there will be less crime, and it will be safer for the society. In conclusion, after looking at both sides, I think marijuana should be banned. Therefore, it is safer for everybody. In my opinion, the use of drug is never right. It makes the users happy, but it can destroy their lives if they can’t quit. It’s the effect after taking marijuana that matters. How to cite Marijuana Should Be Banned, Papers

Kids Should Be Paid for Good Grades free essay sample

Money can be a motivation to encourage students to study hard. The students will feel that their effort is worthy when they are remunerated. Compensation for children’s good grades can also nurture children’s concept about money. And the last, parents can refuse their kids’ unreasonable request of purchasing and let them earn it. In general, kids should get paid for good marks. First, if kids get paid for good grades, they will be motivated to get high marks. As they grow up, their demands on variety things will increase as well. However, their parents will not always satisfy their children’s needs with everything. At this point, some children might be disappointed because they cannot get what they want even though they attain good grades. For instance, if a child wants an iPhone and the parents refuse the request because it is too expensive, the child will concentrate on the iPhone rather than study hard. We will write a custom essay sample on Kids Should Be Paid for Good Grades or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Instead of saying â€Å"no† to the child, the parents can reward good grades so that the child will maintain good marks in order to buy the phone. Of course, when the child has enough savings due to good performance, the child will eventually received what he or she desired. Thus, money can be a great incentive for children to study hard. Second, children will form financial concepts about the real value of money. They hardly know the purpose of money except it could be used to exchange with the goods they want. They did not know the value, power or even the amount of money. The perception of kids about money would probably be â€Å"money comes out from mommy’s or daddy’s pocket. Therefore, paying children based on their grades allows them to know the concept of â€Å"all pays deserve gains. † Kids will soon realize that money comes from their effort and is for good reasons. Third, due to the modern society that we live in, kids are attracted by lots of fancy and luxury products and they might have unreasonable demand. Parents can refuse the unpractical demands of their children. The children will not unde rstand their parents since they are immature. In order to establish a balance between â€Å"buying what they want† and â€Å"they cannot have it†, paying for good grades is a better solution. If kids get paid, they will keep studying hard. Paying for good school work does not only benefit the children, but also the parents. Kids will be motivated by the appeal of money, while their knowledge of finance will be developed simultaneously. In addition, kids will understand that they harvest what they plant. Therefore, kids should get paid for their good marks.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Initial Design Report Sensing and Controlling

Question: Discuss about the Initial Design Report for Sensing and Controlling. Answer: Introduction In this project, a water level indicator design has been proposed. The Water Level Indicator will be designed using PIC 16F887. The final product designed would consist of the electronics part pf the product, which would be a Water Level Indicator with sensors and PIC microcontroller, and the product packaging, which would be designed on a 3D modelling software. The product packaging will be used to mount the software and it will also provide an interface to the user. The electronics part of the Water Level Indicator wold consist of the PIC microcontroller, the sensors, oscillators, voltage regulator, display circuit, and other necessary components of the circuit. Background Of Water Level Indicator A Water Level Indicator is a very important product. It can be installed on an overhead tank, to monitor the level of water. Specific levels can be specified for the indications, which are when reached, the Water Level Indicator can display the same to the user. The level of water can be tracked, and necessary action can be taken before the water overflows from the tank. Thus, the product Water Level Indicator would help in checking the wastage of water as well as energy. The product works on the basic idea that water is a good conductor of electricity. Design Justification The product would consist of indicator levels, which would serve as reference points for the water. When the water will reach those reference points, the user will be notified of the level reached by the water. The display attached to the product will serve the purpose of indicating the level reached. The reference points would consists of conducting plates to complete the circuit when water reached them. They will work as sensors in the Water Level Indicator. A voltage regulator will be included in the design, which would be needed for controlling the supply of voltage to the PIC microcontroller, and other electronic components and prevent them from any voltage surge. The oscillator circuit will be used to clock the PIC microcontroller. The product packaging will be designed such that all the components of the product can fit in the circuit completely, except sensors, and display can be viewed from it. Product Requirements Various requirements of the product, including their design details and specification, are: Power Supply Requirement The Water Level Indicator will be provided with a voltage regulator, to control the power supply received by its various components. The PIC microcontroller can be provided up to 5V. An additional output of 12V will be provided by the voltage regulator, which can be used for controlling additional components, like motors to control the water input to the tank at some later stage of product extension, in the voltage regulator. A proposed circuit for the voltage regulator is included below: Sensors The water level sensors will be installed at various levels of the tank. The sensors will receive the data when water reaches them, and will then transmit it to the PIC microcontroller, so that necessary action can be taken. The sensors work on the principle that water is a good conductor of electricity. Thus, when the water reaches the sensors, the circuit is completed, and a trigger is initiated, which can be monitored by the microcontroller to know the current level of water. The proposed sensor setup has been given below. Display Unit The LCD display will be used in the product. The LCD will be interfaced with the microcontroller using output ports of the PIC microcontroller. The display unit, LCD, will be used for display of level of water in the tank. In addition to LCD, LEDs will be used for indication of level of water. The LEDs will be connected to the PIC Microcontroller in series with resistors. Each LED will indicate the current level of water, that is, the current sensors that has been touched by the water. It will be automatically updated. Oscillator Crystal Oscillator will be used with the microcontroller. The oscillator will be used to clock the microcontroller, so that the auto update, continuous clock run, etc. can run according to the baud rate. The oscillator circuit will be interfaced at the oscillator input and output ports of the microcontroller. Engineering Specification The specifications of the proposed Water Level Indicator are as follows: The Water Level Indicator will be able to monitor five levels of water. This corresponds to five sends installed in the water tank. The Water Level Indicator will use PIC 16F887 for receiving the data from the sensors, controlling the display components, that is LEDs and LCD. The voltage regulator will have two output ports: One for PIC Microcontroller, with 5V output. One for proposed motor interface in project extension n future, with 12V output. The complete setup is expected to fit in a box of size 30cm by 15cm. This would include the microcontroller, voltage regulator, display units (LEDs and LCD) etc. The sensors will not be included in this packaging. The sensors will be installed in the water tank. The output pins of PIC microcontroller will be used to interface the display units of the product. The input pins of PIC microcontroller will be used to interface sensors of the product. The digital output and analog input pins will be used in this product, from the PIC 16F87. Proposed Design Diagram The proposed circuit diagram for the product has been included below: The diagram include all the components that would be used in the product designing, including their proposed port mapping with the PIC Microcontroller. The interface with LCD, LED and sensors has also been shown. The oscillator circuit has been included with the interface with the microcontroller. References Reza, S.K., Tariq, S.A.M. and Reza, S.M., 2010, October. Microcontroller based automated water level sensing and controlling: design and implementation issue. In Proceedings of the world congress on engineering and computer science (Vol. 1, pp. 20-22). Peso, D., 1988. Water level indicator. U.S. Patent 4,757,305. Nzioka, S., 2016. Water Level Indicator (Doctoral dissertation, United States International University-Africa). Oerbeck, I., 1962. Water Level Indicator (No. KR-23). Norway. Institut for Atomenergi, Kjeller. Rakshit, D., Baral, B., Datta, S., Deb, P.B., Mukherjee, P. and Paul, S., Water Level Indicator. Murase, M. and Araki, H., 1996. Water level indicator.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

SAT Essay Sample - The Best Way to Write an Essay on the SAT

SAT Essay Sample - The Best Way to Write an Essay on the SATThe SAT is a college entrance exam that requires an essay. Although most colleges expect this to be a competitive and long essay, many students skip it. An essay on the SAT is required by most colleges as it is the least embarrassing part of the test. It takes almost one hour to write.Many think that writing a short essay on the SAT is easy. It is not. In fact, an essay on the SAT is much more difficult than writing a long one on a regular test. Writing an essay on the SAT is like doing your best high school essay. Writing it correctly is all about grammatical correctness and punctuation.If you study with a study guide, you can probably get through a study guide on the SAT easily. However, if you do not know how to write an essay, you should probably take a few SAT practice tests first.It's important to remember that there are very few things that can ruin your SAT score. The biggest factor for scores are the essays, and not the essays themselves. You can be honest and sincere about your thoughts and experiences. That will help your SAT score.There are a lot of essay help websites out there, but you should avoid those that claim to have proven steps to write a good essay. These types of websites often make some claims that are simply untrue. Your SAT scores and grades should be based solely on your essays. Some websites offer test questions for free, but don't get too carried away by these opportunities.For most people, writing an essay on the SAT can be a really difficult and daunting task. You have to make sure that you are as organized as possible, and that you are not distracted by your surroundings. If you spend too much time worrying about your essay, you may forget to write anything, and the score won't improve.Even if you just finish a test the day before the SAT, you may find that your mind wanders off and doesn't come back to your essay until the afternoon before. If you go into this test wit h the mindset that you must do better, then you may not even finish your essay. This kind of mentality will defeat your goals. That's why you should focus on writing an essay on the SAT if you can afford to take it at the last minute.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Angels Essays (1883 words) - Julius And Ethel Rosenberg,

Angels In America By Kushner Explore how any playwright of the time has successfully dramatised a social issue. Contemporary theatre has stepped further and further away from the sugar-coated happy society plays and musicals that once dominated Broadway and the West End. Now, harsher more realistic stories with issues facing today's society and politics are shocking that conventional-type of theatre. "Shock is a part of art. Art that's polite is not much fun" (Kushner:Bernstein). One of these stories that have made this kind of impact on modern drama and theatre is Tony Kushner's "Angels in America." Described as "the best American play in forty years," this two part play ("Millennium Approaches" and "Perestroika") gives to life a variety of different issues facing not just the American society it is set in but the modern world as well (Lucas). With the main story line dealing with gays, politics, and AIDS in the 1980s, with this ?A Gay Fantasia on National Themes' Kushner has successfully explored these issues in further detail ultimately "nudging Broadway into the 21st century" (Winship). The gay revolution took place in America in the 1980s which, consequently, is the setting for "Angels in America". The strong economy gave many of "Reagan's children" power and courage to be more open with their sexuality (Part One: Act II, scene vii). People were ?coming out', so to speak, more than in previous decades. With five out of eight of the main characters in the play being gay males, and half of those in high power positions (i.e. law), the setting and political information discussed support the truth that Kushner writes about the gay community. "Good politics will produce good aesthetics, really good politics will produce really good aesthetics, and really good aesthetics, if somebody's really asking the hard questions and answering them honestly, they'll probably produce truth" (Kushner:Bernstein). There is truth at the most basic of levels when, Joe, chief clerk for a Federal Court of Appeals judge, admits that he is homosexual (Part One: Act II, scene viii). Also truth to the most extreme, a consequence leading to death for many homosexuals: HIV and the AIDS virus, involving Roy the successful lawyer/power broker (Part Two: Act IV, scene viiii). "Angels in America" is not just a ?gay play', but a play about American politics as well. The appearance of politics, not to mention homosexuality and AIDS, are issues resisted by most critics and audiences. Despite the odds, the subjects have proved successful to Kushner. The political element in this play is one that is a key in the story line and something not seen in many plays before this time. "Is it that Americans don't like politics, or is it that so much theatre that is political isn't well done?" (Kushner:Bernstein) It is mentioned in detail and is even non-fictional, as mentioned in Kushner's disclaimer for "Perestroika". This type of detail given at an aesthetic approach essentially gives the audience a life-like story and the characters that life to portray. The change the Reagan era caused in politics and the country is expressed by these characters as a part of that society. For example, Joe, representing the optimistic opinion, discusses with Harper the positive change that the Reagan administration has given to the country: "...For the good. Change for the good. America has rediscovered itself. Its sacred position among nations. And people aren't ashamed of that like they used to be...The truth restored. Law restored. That's what President Reagan's done....We become better. More good..." (Part One: Act One, scene v). As Belize, representing the more pessimistic opinion, discusses to Louis of his hate of America under Reagan: "Well I hate America, Louis. I hate this country. It's just big ideas, and stories, and people dying, and people like you...I live in America, Louis, that's hard enough. I don't have to love it..." (Part Two: Act IV, scene iii). The varying opinions, openly discussed by these characters, represent the same doubts and hopes of that American society. "I think that a character's politics have to live in the same sort of relationship to the character's psyche that people's politics live in relationship to their own psyches" (Kushner:Bernstein). Just the detailed political statements that the characters give in relation to society are enough to leave the audience thinking and questioning that power-hungry society of the 1980s. Yet, Kushner gives this a further twist by making the audience really test their political views. As they may be able to associate with these conservative political views, will they still be able to agree with that same character and